

We teach with down-to-earth common sense. 


Simple, uncluttered, all about the practical



•  We focus what you need to using Reiki


•  Anything else is given a cursory look with material to read 

outside of class, if you choose


90%-95% (14-16 hours)   hands-on – you learn by doing


Blend of Reiki with complementary techniques creates a multi-faceted approach to Reiki. 


Always a 2-3 hour follow-up clinic a month after class


•  No matter how much we practice in class, it is not the real world


•  Your first experiences using Reiki on your own can be unnerving

    and raise new questions and concerns.


•  This clinic gives you an opportunity to work with your teacher  

    after you’ve used Reiki "in the real world"

Classes, Workshops

Level I Certification:  Basic Reiki


The basic, foundational Reiki energy.  This class covers everything you need to use Reiki effectively on yourself and others, for life.   


Subsequent classes offer long-distance Reiki and additional nuanced energy frequencies.  Unless you want to practice Reiki professionally or use Reiki long-distance, Reiki I is all you need.  Everything else is icing on the cake.

Level II Certification:  Intermediate Reiki  


Builds on the foundation created in Reiki I.  You'll gain access to 3 additional energy frequencies:


1)  adds power, an "oomph" to be basic energy


2)  gentler energy 


3)  allows you send Reiki "long-distance"

Level III Certification:  Advanced / Master-Practitioner


You access a “master” frequency – an energy with more strength / power than the frequencies in Levels I and II. 


Many people who take this level intend to practice Reiki professionally, so we learn about the “art of practicing Reiki.”  

Level III Certification:  Advanced / Master-Practitioner


You access a “master” frequency – an energy with more strength / power than the frequencies in Levels I and II. 


Many people who take this level intend to practice Reiki professionally, so we learn about the “art of practicing Reiki.”  

Level IV Certification:  Master-Teacher


Learn how to give “attunements” that allow a person to access the Reiki energies, as well as the “art of teaching Reiki.”



Energy, chakras, aura, healing and introductory workshops:   Learn to see auras, feel energy and develop a virtual toolbox of techniques to help keep yourself healthy.  

Private classes & Workshops  


Learn Reiki and energy healing in a private class with:


•  Friends

•  Family

•  Colleagues

•  Healthcare partners

•  Fellow med students

•  Anyone you want

We design classes and workshops with the focus, content, and price that you want.